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[DISCUSSION] Things we're looking forward too in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
It stands as no surprise that the Sinnoh Region is finally getting the remake treatment this year with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and of course the brand new game Pokémon Legends: Arceus coming out next year. While a lot of discussion around the remakes has been unfortunately on the negative side, I'd much rather talk about some things I'd love to see in these games, as I personally cannot wait to take on the Sinnoh Region once again! Please feel free to join in the discussion as well if you're hyped for these new games like me!
1. Poké Radar
[Image: Poke_Radar.png]
As it currently stands, we can assume that most if not all of the original features of Diamond, Pearl & Platinum Versions will be implemented in some way for these remakes. Once such feature I can't wait to see return is the Poké Radar, a tool used to find Shiny Pokémon more easily. Sword & Shield leaves much to be desired with it's shiny hunting methods, and so a return to form with a classic method is something I am eagerly awaiting. Maybe in these remakes you will be give the Poké Radar earlier, as a way to incentivise new players into trying out this method rather than locking it behind the post-game. While I was never much good at it back when I was a kid, I'm sure now I will find myself enjoying the challenge of Radar Chaining now that my patience has grown significantly!
2. Ball Seals
[Image: stickers2.png]
No not Spheal! Now, I don't know if many people really remember or used this feature, but in Generation 4, we were given the ability to decorate Poké Balls with Seals that, when a Pokémon is sent out into battle, would play a fun and unique animation based on how they were positioned and a variety of other player based changes. While it didn't add much to the games, it's actually a feature I've missed quite a lot. My Luxrays have just been the same without lightning bolt Seals. Sad
3. Battle Frontier
[Image: frontier.png]
I will forever be hopeful that one day, the Battle Frontier will finally return to the series. Sinnoh remakes would really be the best place to do it, after the backlash of it not being in OrAs, perhaps the time has come to rectify that problem and bring back an awesome post-game location. In any case, we know for sure we will be getting at least the Battle Tower and Palmer back, but I can remain hopeful for the full Frontier to return too.

This is far from everything I'd like to see or an excited for, but that's where you come in, if you're hyped for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, let's discuss! Tell me what you're looking forward to or want to see down below, otherwise thanks for reading!
Thanks for all the good times~
I'm def hyped for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl since sinnoh was my favorite region, as for what I'm most exciting about it has 2 be the beauty contest and the poffin house, stylin on those other contestants and making poffins according 2 ur pokemon's taste will always be something I enjoyed.
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Mar 14, 2021, 05:26 PM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: I'm def hyped for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl since sinnoh was my favorite region, as for what I'm most exciting about it has 2 be the beauty contest and the poffin house, stylin on those other contestants and making poffins according 2 ur pokemon's taste will always be something I enjoyed.

Aw yeah! I love the Contests so much, I am so ready for that. Could you imagine if they made it able to be done Online? Forget Comp & Smogon, 2021/2022 meta is gonna be Contests!!
Thanks for all the good times~
Online competitions would be pogchamp
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

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