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How to find single girl
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Article about how to find single girl:
How do you discover the &quot,one&quot, for you? Knowing who you are, understanding what you want and searching in the right places are all key factors in finding your Ms. Right.

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Live a... How to Find the Right Girl. This article was co-authored by Joshua Pompey. Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert with over 10 years of helping people navigate the online dating world. Joshua has run his own relationship consulting business since 2009 at a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 169,930 times. Finding the right girl for a great relationship isn't easy. How do you discover the one" for you? Knowing who you are, understanding what you want and searching in the right places are all key factors in finding your Ms. Right. Preparing Yourself. Live a full life. Leading an interesting and fulfilling life will make you more attractive to potential mates. After all, would you want to date someone who seemingly has no interests, hobbies or friends? Become a well-rounded person by spending time with friends, pursuing your own interests, and developing new hobbies. That way, when you finally meet the right girl, you'll have plenty to offer her in return. Write in a positivity journal. keep track of your accomplishments, compliments people give you and any good thoughts you have about yourself throughout the day. Negative thoughts about yourself may not completely go away, but focusing more on the positives in your life will improve your overall feeling of self-worth. [1] X Research source Encourage yourself. Making positive affirmations each day can help you become self-confident. For a few moments each day, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself something encouraging, whether it's something you believe about yourself or something you would like to believe about yourself. You can even write out your affirmations and place them in accessible locations, like inside your wallet or the welcome page of your mobile phone. [2] X Research source Forgive yourself. Meanwhile, remember that no person is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Be sure and forgive yourself when you demonstrate imperfection. When you try too hard to find the right girl, you also set your expectations much too high. Live a fulfilling life and don't think so much about how you haven't met your soul mate. Love finds those who are not looking. [3] X Research source. Determine the qualities you seek. You'll find it's easier to recognize a good potential partner when you meet her if you've already determined the characteristics you seek in a mate. Should she be religious, educated, funny, kind to animals or love kids? By knowing what you're looking for, you'll be better equipped to recognize a good match when you meet her. Some points of possible conflict you might consider include religion, political opinions, whether you want to have children, and where you want to live. [5] X Expert Source. Remain flexible. Just because you've decided what qualities attract you, that doesn't mean your ideal mate will possess every one of them. In fact, people are often surprised to find love where they least expect it. Think of your attractions as a guideline, not a strict rule. Don't judge a book by its cover. Looking for a mate with a particular physique, hair color or facial features is one of the quickest ways to find Ms. Wrong. Even the best looks fade over time, and while chemistry is important, if you have only physical chemistry in common, your relationship is doomed from the start. [6] X Research source. Searching for Love. Maximize your opportunities. Don't leave your search for love strictly up to fate, you can't expect to come across the perfect woman from a random visit to the grocery store or even while buying a drink at the bar. Search in a variety of places by taking a class that interests you, joining a club, attending church, visiting online dating websites or even accepting blind dates. [7] X Expert Source. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, either. While you might take an art class or attend a new church, that doesn't mean you shouldn't also test the waters of online dating or a variety of other opportunities available to meet new women. Search in the right places. While you should maximize your opportunities of meeting new women, don't waste your time meeting them in places that are of no interest to you. If you aren't religious, you may not want to meet women at a church, and if drinking is a deal breaker for you, you probably don't want to look for a potential partner at a bar. Likewise, visit places that are of interest to you. Are you a sci-fi geek? Why not meet women at a book store or a Star Wars convention? Or perhaps you are a lover of the arts. How about seeking a potential mate in an art class or at a museum? [8] X Research source. Demonstrate tenacity. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Just because you didn't meet your ideal women on one online dating website, blind date or dance class, that doesn't mean she won't be waiting for you at the next one. Don't give up on one way of meeting women just because it wasn't successful the first time or two. The world is full of people, and finding the right partner is very much a numbers game in which you'll often meet a lot of Ms. Wrongs before you find Ms. Right. [9] X Research source. Identifying the Right Girl. Ask her out. As they say, you'll never know unless you try. When you meet a woman who you find interesting and attractive, don't be afraid to ask her for a date. [10] X Expert Source. Based on your previous conversation, you can either choose to ask in a sincere manner: "Hey, you seem like a really interesting person. Would you maybe want to grab a drink later on in the week?" or in a romantic tone: "I gotta say, when I saw you from across the room, my eyes lit up. And when we started talking, they lit up even more. Would you want to meet up later for a drink?" Keep it casual. Drinks are fine for a first date, and asking her on a quick outing will place less pressure on the situation. You definitely don't want to sit through a seven-course meal with someone you’ve only just met, especially if it's obvious the chemistry isn't there by the time the entrees appear. Choose a familiar setting for maximum comfort, and a place that’s convenient for both of you to get to. [11] X Research source. Ask open-ended questions about your date. For example, "So, what got you interested in rock-climbing?" is a more effective question than "So, you're interested in rock-climbing?" Discuss your immediate surroundings. Don't be so cliche as to talk about the weather, but instead discuss whatever it is you both happen to be doing. If you're playing a sport, for example, you can say something like, "Wow, you're really good. I'll know where to come in the future if I want my butt kicked. Do you play here often?" Relate to your date's responses. If she mentions an activity she really likes, for example, and you can relate, don't be afraid to share your similar experience. [12] X Expert Source. Ask things like "Do you have any siblings?" and "Where do you want to be in five years?" [13] X Research source While it's important to learn about your partner, don't overwhelm her with a constant stream of questions. Work them into the conversation slowly and appropriately. Look for common goals and values. Just as you want to spot your deal breakers, you also want to discover if you and a potential mate hold common goals and values. Again, since you've already determined what you're looking for, you'll be better equipped to identify commonalities. Do you share a similar sense of humor? [14] X Research source Are your future goals compatible?

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