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[GIVEAWAY] Tepig and Oshawott with HA
Tepigs are 4 to 5 iv with adament nature and sucker punch egg move

Oshawott has mixed iv's and natures no egg moves

Put your ign and fc in post nothing special needed in return just trying to help as much as this board has helped me so far.
Also I have 24 of each but if they run out i can breed more


Will be breeding more tepigs
Ign Dominick weve already added each other so theres no need for my friend code but im ready to trade when you areSmile

Edit: it said an error occuring going to try to trade you again
Ign: justus
Fc: 1907-9511-5584
0533-7055-2138 ign Calem
Oshawott would be great
Very generous man.

IGN: Scott
FC: 1306-7931-1408

Ifi could get both it'd be much appreciated but if I had to only choose one Tepig would be it
Hi! Ign: Manuel, FC: on the left...I've already an ha oshawott, I'm looking for just the tepig
btw i've already added you

EDIT: Ty! Smile
" Sometimes you must HURT in order to KNOW, FALL in order to GROW, LOSE in order to GAIN because life's greatest lessons are learned through PAIN."
thanks man i gave you HA poliwag and Helioptile also gave you +1 rep
IGN: Kardia
FC: 2079-7517-7355 =3
I'll take one of each please.

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