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[ORAS] Forum Tournament Twitch Channel [IDEA]
Reminder this is an IDEA It may not happen
So I got thinking, Why not try to make the Forum tourneys more interactive, similar to how streams do that, have a life chat, So I made a Twitch Channel,
What do you all think? Its just an idea, but if people who stream want to stream the tourneys like the way justin does, Which ik theres streamers in the community, I will pass on the password to those streamers if i TRUST Them so the tournaments of VGC,and other battle styles can be enjoyed by everyone who can watch them :D

Leave your ideas on what you think or how to make it better :P
I will start streaming in April, that also means I can cast Tournaments which Justin does not want to cast or cannot due to lack of time Smile We can use my Channel then :D
Mhm thats the idea :p
Need a capture card first and better internet but April it should both be there :D
Wow Really good idea. Hope it can happen.
A legend fallen from grace.
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi

Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.

Only will happen if i can have people who stream for example, Kai , to join tourneys play battle codes and such
Aswell trusted
Skarric if you stream ill give you a pass by forum pm sooner or later ;p
great idea Pod :D
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