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[GIVEAWAY] 6IV Shiny Shaymin
1 for plz if you still have more.

IGN: Resuta Ri
ign - mikky, fc - 1306 6311 4174

very kind of u to do this xx thanks xx
If you still got one I would like to take one Smile
Ign griffin
Fc. 408167439486
Thank you
If you still have any, Would love one!
IGN: Zach
FC: 3282-4843-2813
I want one too <3

IGN ★ Fabi ★
FC: 3497-2250-1964

I added you
I really want one too<33
IGN: Alan FC: 1564-5044-8294
IGN: Kyubi93
FC: 0533-7122-8964
can i have one plz

IGN: Tuan
FC tothe left
Is there any left if so i would love one
All information on the left including user name as ign

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