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Do you have a battle ready Lucario with Justified?
I deposited a female level 27 Swablu
IGN is Elton

Message is Hipstar
Do u have any of event legendary pokemon? I need : Mew, Celebi, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect. If u have any of them to giveaway, it would help alot with my dex.
can I have a shiny lugia?
Can I have a shiny barbaracle (nickname ShadeBoss) with razor shell brick break shell smash and stone edge? Item focus sash and nature adamant
shuckle with contrary
so can we direct trade?
Do you have a competitive Entei? I like the doge. Kappa
If so, thank you!
Hello. Can you give me a kyogre or suicune, Both with bold nature and without hidden abbility pls. If you can give me both will be amazing if not, just suicune. My FC is down of my blastoise pic. Thanks
would like to have shiny Landorus-T if possible
i need adamant one
(Mar 8, 2015, 05:45 AM)adolf hipstar Wrote:
(Mar 8, 2015, 01:41 AM)Rayne_chan Wrote: I was wondering if you have a lvl 1 calm shiny eevee? hopefully with perfect ivs

hey man i have a shiny eevee withanticipation and it is (sorry!)a modest nature.perfect ivs

That's fine. Umm how do you want to trade? Gts or direct trade

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