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I've been invited to apply to a Youtube Network Partnership... Need advice.
So, I was checking my messages on youtube and I found a message from someone from N4Gtv inviting me to apply to the network.

I'm just wondering, has anyone had any interaction with this network at all or heard anything about them that would cause them to turn them down or back away from them?
take it i've heard of them.also how in the world did you manage to get it?
I agree, i would probably take it if it were me.
It seems like a good opportunity for your channel to grow even further, I would say take it but do some research just to make sure with stuff like this your Wanna make sure this isn't a scam or anything, I doubt it is but still researching can be a big help Smile
Ps: I subbed to you on YT I think that's you same name, similar logo, and I saw that one of your liked videos is from Justin so I assumed that's you Kappa
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
They actually messaged me directly on Youtube Hipstar, which I found weird.

Animekid, I'm looking into them and going to make sure it's all legit before I do anything. If you want to make sure it's my channel you got to, click on the website button in my profile, it'll take you straight there :D
Make sure it's legit, but by all means take it! It sounds like a great opportunity.

PS: I checked out your channel, and your Xenoblade series is pretty great :D

Yea, a few people I'm subbed too are with them, they seem to be helping out smaller channels (like mine) get more recognition.

Yea, i've not updated my Xenoblade series in a while, i'll need to get back to that soon xD
Yeah the channel i subbed to is yours, wish you luck in your possible partnership :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
I'm still looking into it, emailed their head recruiter with some questions.
Man, if a small channel like yours can get a partnership maybe one day mine will too. I'd need to get back into uploading content on a regular basis first though but it's always been a pipe dream of mine

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