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[REQUEST] Black Shinies
Hey guys!

I'm in the process of creating a full black (shiny) competitive team :D
Currently I have charizard and greninja ^^
I would very much like Haxorus (or axew/fraxure), but I really lack the time to go shiny breeding again.... Anyone here happens to have one :D? It doesn't have to be perfect IV or nature Smile
(others would be Aegislash, Carbink, and maybe Rayquaza)

Thanks already,

i have a level 1 shiny ninetails with IVs and a timid rayquaza with Ivs
Anything specific you're looking for ?
BR shinies? Do you possibly have Shiny BR Talonflame,Togekiss or Kangaskan
I wish I had... But no I don't have those :O Anything else?
BR Megas preferably Kanghaskan or Alakazam

Or just BR Pokemon LF: BR Starmie and/or Milotic
Hope this isnt much for you :D
I could breed (and EV train) any of those (not sure for the kanghaskan), what builds would you want? (and which pokémon :P) Like all 3?

edit: Is that rayquaza shiny as well ?
Also do you want the items on the BR's as well - cause I don't have many Sad

edit #123567: Do you also need the Mega Stones?

Let me know ^^
I've got a shiny Haxorus for you. 6 IVs & Adamant nature. Also I have a shiny event Rayquaza if you don't get the one off of BigM.
I would appreciate the items and yes a i would like all 3
Awesome @G Max :O
Anything you're looking for? Wink Or are you giving them away Angel

@TheBigM: Alright I'll get started tonight - I'll let you know which ones I can do (don't have ruby with me atm) Smile and btw can you give me the builds, or should I just take the nr 1 build from Smogon? edit: I'm only in for the Ninetales, let me know which 2 pokemon you'd like for it :D

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