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need everstones and master balls
i need everstones and masterballs for when i get oras and am trying to send my living dex over without pokebank and then masterballs to help get good legendary pokemon i would like about 5-10 of each. thank you to anyone who can help
I help with 10 everstones
(Aug 26, 2015, 01:37 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I help with 10 everstones

ok thank you so much
I hoping online if you're ready to trade
(Aug 26, 2015, 01:52 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I hoping online if you're ready to trade

ok im online
thank you terrorkid my 3ds had an error and i had to turn it off but that should be all i need thank you so much
No problem

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