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[FRIEND SAFARI] Hii friend safari help pls :)
I'm also looking for a ditto!
IGN: Bear
Friend Code: 0877-3911-3528
Safari Type: Grass (Ivysaur, Pansage, Gogoat)
(Sep 28, 2015, 09:50 PM)Bear1426 Wrote: I'm also looking for a ditto!
IGN: Bear
Friend Code: 0877-3911-3528
Safari Type: Grass (Ivysaur, Pansage, [dont know the last one])

your last one is Gogoat
(Sep 28, 2015, 11:18 PM)QuillAblaze Wrote:
(Sep 28, 2015, 09:50 PM)Bear1426 Wrote: I'm also looking for a ditto!
IGN: Bear
Friend Code: 0877-3911-3528
Safari Type: Grass (Ivysaur, Pansage, [dont know the last one])

your last one is Gogoat

Thanks dude!
I hope everyone doesn't mind if I have added them!
(Sep 14, 2015, 02:34 AM)Svennisgraddis Wrote: Hey guys, i have no friends on my 3ds so i cant acces the friend safari.
whould be awesome to get a few from here! one with a ditto whould be the best <3

Thanks/ Philip

My friend code: 2208-8214-7460
IGN: Svennis

i added you bro, my code is under my thumbnail
(Sep 14, 2015, 12:04 PM)Alessiogoma Wrote: Hey! Smile

Add me if you want:

FC: 5258 - 2397 - 2678

IGN: Goma

hey dude i added you a couple days ago from another post, you mind adding me back plz?
(Sep 28, 2015, 07:40 AM)JamiePatrick_ Wrote: I want to take part in this too!
IGN: Jamie
FC: 3368-1185-2057
FS: Psychic

i added you Smile
(Sep 28, 2015, 10:15 AM)Moodsart Wrote: You all can add me, if you like! Smile

i added you dude
(Sep 28, 2015, 09:50 PM)Bear1426 Wrote: I'm also looking for a ditto!
IGN: Bear
Friend Code: 0877-3911-3528
Safari Type: Grass (Ivysaur, Pansage, Gogoat)

i added you mate

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