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[FRIEND SAFARI] Friend safari trade
My FC: 5387-1084-4008 IGN: Izy
(Sep 30, 2015, 01:37 PM)animaniac91 Wrote: Hi,

I've added you. Add me back and let me know which type of safari I am?

FC: 1246-9084-4204

Just added u bro
(Sep 30, 2015, 02:03 PM)IzyPlaysPokeX Wrote: My FC: 5387-1084-4008 IGN: Izy

Added you too Smile
(Sep 29, 2015, 06:11 PM)ChJb2332 Wrote: Added you. here is my info

friend code: 0576-4635-4933
ign: Suzaku

Friend Safari
Teddiursa,Loudred, Eevee

hey I'd really really REALLY appreciate your safari!!
I don't have a great FS but if you could add me back I'd be :D :D :D :D

Grass: Tangela, Sawsbuck, Quilladin
could someone add me?
I'm always up for friend safari's, however it has been awhile so I am unsure what mine is. BUT! I believe it's either Dragon or Psychic.

Well, here's my friend code regardless of what my type is! 1762-4010-7810
I added everyone my FC: 5387-1084-4008 IGN: Izy
my friend code 5429_9998_4139 :D
(Sep 29, 2015, 06:50 PM)blackphoenixsuzaku Wrote:
(Sep 29, 2015, 06:11 PM)ChJb2332 Wrote: Anyone wanna trade FC for friend safari?

FC 2122-8810-7504

IGN  Jose

Added you. here is my info

friend code: 0576-4635-4933
ign: Suzaku

Friend Safari
Teddiursa,Loudred, Eevee

Added you both. Here's my stuff:
Code: 4957-3655-3333
IGN: Eric
here's mine.
ign: shiro.
and others can add me too

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