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LF: Hidden Ability Alomomola and Wooper
Hey guys, I'm looking for a Hidden Ability Alomomola and Wooper for a competitive team I'm trying to put together, and these two are out of my reach to find. I don't have a ton, but I have lots of Pokes with hidden abilities (Fletchling, Froakie, Dratini, Clefairy, just for a couple.) Not looking for great natures or IVs, I can breed those in. Thanks to anyone who responds!
I can breed both of those pokemon for you
(Oct 4, 2015, 10:53 AM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I can breed both of those pokemon for you

Hey that would be awesome is there anything I can get for you?
I need a 6 iv ditto. I can trade a hoopa for it
Both are ready and you can send me anything in return
(Oct 4, 2015, 03:33 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: Both are ready and you can send me anything in return
Okay cool you got a time you want to trade? I'm free all of tonight from now onwards, and pretty much most of tomorrow
If I don't trade with you tonight how would tomorrow at 4pm est work
(Oct 4, 2015, 08:03 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: If I don't trade with you tonight how would tomorrow at 4pm est work

That works just fine for me, I am online now if you want to do it

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