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[TRADE] for trade Shiny Genesect and Shiny mew {CLOSED}
I have come to posses an extra genesect and mew that i want to trade for a victini and a manaphy as these are the last two pokemon that i need to complete my pokedex. Any help is greatly appreciated! :D
I can give you a Victini and Manaphy for free if you want because I don`t need a Genesect and Mew xD
(Oct 6, 2015, 09:18 AM)MiiRaGo Wrote: I can give you a Victini and Manaphy for free if you want because I don`t need a Genesect and Mew xD

hey can i get your manaphy victini and meleotta i saw that you have many of them it would be so cool of you
Do you have any shinies for trade or nah?
(Oct 6, 2015, 09:18 AM)MiiRaGo Wrote: I can give you a Victini and Manaphy for free if you want because I don`t need a Genesect and Mew xD

Really? that wold be awesome! they are all i need to finish!
I added you <3
(Oct 6, 2015, 10:28 AM)MiiRaGo Wrote: I added you <3

no problem dude <3
(Oct 6, 2015, 10:37 AM)MiiRaGo Wrote: no problem dude <3

no i dont have any shinys will you still give me them for free please?
hmmm :/

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