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[REQUEST] poygon to porygon-Z double tradeback please
This might be a long process but it is necessary. I need some one to friend me, then I will trade them my poygon holding an upgrade which will evolve to a poygon2 and you will trade it back, then I will cancel the trade give it the Dubious Disk and trade it to you again, then it will evlolve into poygon-Z and you will trade it back to me. Thanks in advace to who ever does it
I'll help ya mate.
Shachi's a monster to go against -  wpendragon

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower. Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
Thanks! Im pretty sure were already friends so Ill send you a trade request when ever we're both on but Im on now
looking for sorta the same deal but for a gligar, im using pokemon ORAS

(Oct 17, 2015, 12:58 PM)macman427 Wrote: This might be a long process but it is necessary. I need some one to friend me, then I will trade them my poygon holding an upgrade which will evolve to a poygon2 and you will trade it back, then I will cancel the trade give it the Dubious Disk and trade it to you again, then it will evlolve into poygon-Z and you will trade it back to me. Thanks in advace to who ever does it

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