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may I recieve a female Regenerator Slowpoke!

funny story, I recently traded a shinny Slowking because its IV's wernt the best and it didnt have HA Regenerator

would be awesome to retrain a decent one, even if its not shinny lol

thanks Smile
Hello, I would like a female regenerator slowpoke too :D

Will add your friend code
i still have some slowpokes
Could I get one? Gender doesn't matter to me but I would love to have a bold one if you've got one. My IGN is Ireannia.
hello my friend, i would like a regenerator slowpoke if you still had one please. Thanks a lot. My ING is fire.
could i get a HA slowpoke both male and female
my friend code is 0705-5101-5699
can I have one slowpoke my friend code is 5043-5152-3901 and my name is Cooper

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