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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] Battle Ready Vivillon Giveaway in EVERY PATTERN!!
Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Monsoone Pattern (if possible)
If not...then I'll take any blue/white colored pattern
IGN: Ben
Pokemon Deposited: Pikachu
Level: 41
Gender: Female
Message: Vivillon!
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Archipelago Pattern
IGN: Ireannia
Pokemon Deposited: Krookodile
Level: 47
Gender: Male
Message: Vivillon!
Hii everyone

Quick question... is the original trainer name for vivillon "zach" ?

"Getting sniped" - does that mean getting sent the wrong poke through GTS ?

Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Icy Snow!
IGN: Sam
Pokemon Deposited: Zorua
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Message: Vivillon!


Wow you are amazing ;_; Id like one of every pattern! Collecting these are so hard over the gts, I'm so happy I can finally finish my collection! I'll ask for them one at a time like you directed :3

Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Icy Snow
IGN: Jen
Pokemon Deposited: Roselia
Level: 14
Gender: Male
Message: Vivillon!

Edit: Just got on and received! Thank you :3
Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Polar.
IGN: Figaro.
Pokemon Deposited: Squirtle.
Level: 1.
Gender: Male.
Message: Vivillon!
I would love to get a Meadow Vivillon (it looks so cute <3)
pokemon deposited: Pikachu
Level of the pokemon: 41
Gender of the pokemon: Male
Message: Vivillon!
I couldnt select the Gender for the Vivillon, so i hope you can still find my Pika.
Hey ! Smile
Pattern wanted: Icy Snow
IGN: Tavi
Deposited: Zebstrika
Level: 37
Gender of it: Male
Message: Vivillon!
Thanks for your Giveaway, it's awesome that there are people like you Smile
Vivillon Pattern Wanted: Icy Snow
IGN: Shifu
Pokemon Deposited: Pichu
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Message: Vivillon!

Has 6 IV aswell ! If you want me to Nickname it in case you want to use it, just pm me Wink
Vivillon Pattern Wanted : Sun
Deposit:Eevee lv 1
Gender : male

Thank you for doing this awesome GA ’sWink

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