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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for Friend Safaris!
Im looking for safaris with
1. A normal type safari with Aipom Kecleon and Smeargle
2. A fighting safari with Machoke Throh and Breloom
3. A water safari with Krabby Quagsire and Poliwhirl
4. A grass safari with Tangela Sawsbuck and Gogoat
5. A ground safari with Phanphy Marowak and Gastroudon
6. A rock safari with Boldore Onix and Shuckle
7. An ice safari with Spheal Beartic and Piloswine
8. A bug safari with Butterfree Beautifly and Venomoth
9. A ghost safari with Lampent Pumpkaboo and Dusklops
10. A dark safari with Vullaby Crawdaunt and Liepard
11. A steel safari with Magneton Forretress and Klefki
12. A fairy safari with Togepi Swirlix and Clefairy
13. An electric safari with Pachurisu Stunfisk and Galvantula
14. A poison safari with Seviper Garbodor and Drapion
15. A fire safari with Magmar Slugma and Flechinder
16. A flying safari with Farfetch'd Swanna and Tropius
17. A psychic safari with Drowzee Sigilyph and Duosion
18. A dragon safari with Fraxure Dragonair and Druddigon
My fc is 0533-7065-6321 Leave yours down below as well as what safari you have!
Hey, i have a pumpkaboo safari, unfortunatly no duskull, but its pumpkaboo, lampent, Spiritomb. so feel free to add me!
Hey its telling me its an invalid friend code
(Nov 19, 2015, 03:01 PM)SwaggyTMills Wrote: Hey its telling me its an invalid friend code

oh god, sorry, its 5172-2445-1446
i've got 2/3 for your fire, being Slugma and Magmar, though my 3rd is Ninetails, FC is 1006 - 0602 - 7552
(Nov 20, 2015, 10:25 AM)QuillAblaze Wrote: i've got 2/3 for your fire, being Slugma and Magmar, though my 3rd is Ninetails, FC is 1006 - 0602 - 7552

Can you please add me? My FC is 3024 - 8787 - 2758
You 2 have been added if you could connect to the internet on the ds please!

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