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[GIVEAWAY] Hundred Pokemon Giveaway #5 Closed
IGN: John
Game your using: X
Pokémon you're depositing: Delibird
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Enrique
Game your using: Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Deposited: Buneary
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Wout
Game AS
Pokémon you're depositing: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Level 1
Message: 100 GA unit

IGN: Joris
Game your using: Omega Ruby
Pokémon you're depositing: Ninjask
Gender: male
Level: 20
Message: 100 GA unit

Thanks a lot!

New pokemon

IGN: Joris
Game your using: Omega Ruby
Pokémon you're depositing: Torkoal
Gender: male
Level: 20
Message: 100 GA unit

Date edit: 12-19
Pokémon wanted : Heatran shiny
Gender : male
Level : 41 to 50
Game x
Pokémon I'm depositing Hippopotas
Gender Female
Level 22
Message: 100 GA unit

Thank you so much
Finished going through the list. Note if you didnt receive one either two things happened. A) The pokemon deposited has been sniped B) The pokemon deposited is lost in GTS. Thank you for your patience.
A legend fallen from grace.
IGN: Dinis
Game: OR
Pokémon Deposited: Sableye
Level of Pokémon: 1
Gender of Pokémon: Male
Message: 100 GA Unit
Pokemon Deposited: Marill
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Game: Y
Message: 100 GA unit
Got sniped....
IGN: Gjiz
Pokemon: Snorlax
Gender: male
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA unit
Pokemon: Bouffalant
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Ign: Gian
Message: 100 GA Unit

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