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[BREEDJECTS] Breedjects for starters!
Hello everyone!
I was working on a giveaway so I needed HA starters, but I have them all now, so i'm happy to announce we're accepting all starters, with or withough HA, and if or if not I already have it! So have fun!

How It Works
So here, we do trades over GTS
I give breedjects, and you give whatever starter you want!
Pls do not spam request, remember that we're in different timezones!
Pls no profanity, we're kid frienndly here.
Pls only request 1-2 every day.
Here are my current options
(Don't mind the starters needed part I havn't taken it down yet)

Pokemon Deposited:
Deposited Level:
Deposited Gender
Pokemon Requested: (pls specify iv/ability/gender)
What Pokemon would you like?
What starters do you have? Sry i havnt finished the shop yet.
@Ezno That is a great iniciative! 

I got you covered with one third of them (with HA) in my Fire-type Breedject CenterSmile
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Ezno I don't have Snivy. Is this GTS or link trade?
Its through GTS!
And I already have a snivy, so don't worry!
(Jul 3, 2018, 06:16 PM)Pokehog Wrote: What Pokemon would you like?
In case your confused, I'm taking starters for my breedjects for a giveaway im working on!

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