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[TRADE] Collector's Breeding Services
KappaHD Welcome to Collector's Breeding Services! KappaHD Here you can make a request for a Pokemon for me to breed, whether it is competitive or casual. For convenience sake, I keep a google doc to use throughout various websites and forums for my requests and information. When making your request, please do so in the following format:

-Twitch Name
-3DS FC and 3DS Name (the name that appears on your 3DS FC list) [This makes it easy for me to find you on my FC list]
-Egg Moves (Up to 4)
-Nickname if wanted
-IVs (up to 5ivs, will not breed 6ivs unless they happen by chance in which case they will be posted in google doc for trade)
-What you are willing to trade and any specifics on it

What I want:
Anything that makes great breeding parents or competitive mons, even if they are only just hatched. My dex is full and I even keep one of every single Pokemon in the pokedex (all 700+) as well as one of each "forms" and every single released Hidden Ability pokemon, minus legendaries, so I won't need any of those. That said, if you have any rare pokeball pokemon that are female, I will be more than happy to accept those as well.

Please do not be upset if I delete you off my FC list. Because I trade with many people, my list fills up quick so I immediately delete any FC when I am done trading. Also, I am a busy man as I work and go to classes as a full time student, plus I even need breaks every now and then. Please be patient as some of this breeding can take some time! Also, don't forget to give me a positive rating if our trades are successful!

Important Links:
My Twitch Profile
Special Pokeball Inheritance Guide
My Google Doc with my Requests and Pokemon I am able to breed <----- Click here for the list of Pokemon I can breed. Special requests are accepted.

Messages In This Thread
Collector's Breeding Services - by Collector - Jan 6, 2016, 12:19 PM
RE: Collector's Breeding Services - by Frost - Jan 6, 2016, 01:29 PM
RE: Collector's Breeding Services - by 42max Turtke - Jan 6, 2016, 01:59 PM
RE: Collector's Breeding Services - by Eugenio - Jan 9, 2016, 03:31 PM

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