Jan 30, 2016, 09:23 AM
Prettiest: Glaceon
Scariest: Umbreon
Without A Doubt UGLIEST: Sylveon (sorry not diggin that one) :/
Best: Glaceon
Funniest: Derpy Lil Evee
Fanciest: Espeon
Without a Doubt Weirdest: Leafeon
Roughest (as in texture): Leafeon
Fluffiest (as in fur etc): Flareon
Scariest: Umbreon
Without A Doubt UGLIEST: Sylveon (sorry not diggin that one) :/
Best: Glaceon
Funniest: Derpy Lil Evee
Fanciest: Espeon
Without a Doubt Weirdest: Leafeon
Roughest (as in texture): Leafeon
Fluffiest (as in fur etc): Flareon