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[REQUEST] I need a poke-genners help
Wow, sorry for not answering I thought i was signed up for email notifications and i didnt recieve any *sighs*. But Shadow thanks alot, just let me know what you want for it.

(Feb 17, 2016, 02:46 PM)ShadowcloakQuiora Wrote:
Hey Shadow here, ive been busy and just remembered i have that Charizard you wanted.

[Image: pokeball.png] [Image: 20140319080812] [Image: pokeball.png]

Pokemon: Charizard
Pokeball: [Image: pokeball.png]
Nickname Mega-Zard X
Gender: Male
OT: The Jedi
Nature: Adamant
Characteristic: Likes to thrash about
Ability: Blaze
Item: [Image: charizarditex.png]
Shiny: No
Level: 80
Pokerus: Yes
Pentagon: Yes
IV's: 6
EV's: 0
Ribbons: None
-Dragon Dance PP 32/32 (max)
-Dragon Claw PP 24/24 (max)
-Fire Punch PP 24/24 (max)
-Seismic Toss PP 32/32 (max)

I looked on bulbapedia, Charizard was last able to learn Seismic Toss in Gen III via Move Tutor as well as Fire Punch.
Dragon Dance was able to be bred into the Charizard evolutionary line by breeding with the Dragonair evolutionary line
Lastly Dragon Claw was able to be taught to Charizard through TM02 in Gen III
Note: if you reteach a move to Charizard be careful that you dont make it forget Seismic Toss, Fire Punch, or Dragon Dance as those cant be relearned

Bulbapedia Charizard Gen III entry


Im not much of an expert in the competitive scene but i know a little

Charizard when Mega Evolving to Charizard X gains the Tough Claws ability and changes typing to Fire/Dragon

Tough Claws: Powers up moves that make direct contact.
Direct Contact being Physical Attacks

Being of Adamant nature, Charizards Atk is boosted while the Sp. Atk is decreased. However Charizard's base stat Sp. Atk is naturally higher then Atk regardless of nature.

Dragon Dance sets Charizard up nicely with an increase in Atk and Spd stats.

Dragon Claw is decent physical STAB move with 100 accuracy and 80 power.
I chose Dragon Claw, even though Outrage has 120 power youre locked into Outrage for 2-3 turns and become confused after finishing. Competitive Charizard X also sports Dragon Claw more than Outrage.

Fire Punch also a Physical STAB move has 100 accuracy and 75 power and has the chance to leave a burn.
Flare Blitz also a physical STAB move may be viable with its 120 power and 100 accuracy but, deals recoil = to 1/2 damage done to the target, may also leave a burn

Seismic Toss is not a STAB move so no Same Type Attack Bonus, has 100 accuracy and deals damage = to the users level so at lv 100 it has a power of 100

There that is all sorry for this lengthy post, just let me know when you can trade.

Messages In This Thread
I need a poke-genners help - by thejedi080197 - Feb 11, 2016, 07:14 AM
RE: I need a poke-genners help - by Frost - Feb 11, 2016, 04:12 PM

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