Feb 25, 2016, 01:01 AM
something Everyones forgetting is how athletic everyone is atm; is anyone truly ready, is anyone really going to be able to walk/run/hike/bike ect. to many places you may have never gone to, i know a intermediate hiking area near me i go to on occasions and it tends to kick my *** but im getting better each time usually. so question is, what are you all doing to get physically prepared or are you going to be very casual and barily play, i can see going outside for half an hour come back inside charge do whatever and mayybeee come back out to play, granted i know i have a life as do others , its just i do wonder what if a event was like at hiking site, i have to get up top asap but if im not in shape how can i be a pokemon master/mistress if i cant even keep up with my pokemon :P.