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anyone have a spare mew code they'd part with?
Ah yeah, i forgot about that! I'm NA region.

to everyone that gave offers, thank you! i'm looking specifically for the most recent event mew, but if you have extras of the mew that aren't in code form i'd be happy with that too! here's a list of shinies that i've got lying around:
-japanese skarmory
-aipom (nicknamed cez)
-spanish golem
-lv. 100 pupitar (can't be evolved)

also, my friend code has actually changed (old ds got water damaged, had to go through the whole content transferring process, it sucked) and my new one is 5215-3369-9227 just in case!

Messages In This Thread
RE: anyone have a spare mew code they'd part with? - by Tezzeret - Feb 27, 2016, 04:36 PM

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