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[TRADE] Looking for Shiny Hawlucha for a friend's birthday present
Hello everyone. I get most of my enjoyment from pokemon by hunting for Shiny pokemon thanks to Justin Flynn, however I am not very good at radar chaining in X and Y. My best friends favorite pokemon is Hawlucha and I have tried for so long to find him a shiny for his birthday next month (April) so I was wondering if there is anybody willing to trade one. My current list of shiny pokemon I have is fairly small but I am willing to trade a shiny for a shiny Hawlucha of course. I am more than willing to put the time into dexnav hunting a shiny of your choice from Alpha Sapphire in return (non legendary). If there is anybody that can help me it would be greatly appreciated. I just really want the joy of seeing my friends face light up when traded his favorite pokemon as his first ever shiny. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from anyone that may be able to help.


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Looking for Shiny Hawlucha for a friend's birthday present - by S Joker C - Mar 15, 2016, 02:38 PM

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