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[DISCUSSION] Favorite Grass Type
Sceptile (nicknamed Coolio). Sceptile was my first grass type starter and my first ORAS and sixth gen starter. It felt really special to me, the journey I had with him. I remember when we were taking down Roxanne to using him in the league.
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?

Messages In This Thread
Favorite Grass Type - by Dreaus Orik - Mar 23, 2016, 03:55 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by Johnnyspyguy - Mar 23, 2016, 04:05 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by terrorkid94 - Mar 23, 2016, 05:24 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by bim - Mar 24, 2016, 07:12 AM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by Dreaus Orik - Mar 24, 2016, 08:30 AM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by HardstyleRaver2 - Mar 26, 2016, 05:33 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by sephir66 - Mar 26, 2016, 06:21 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by LunerPonyta47 - Mar 26, 2016, 08:04 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by shinybadger21 - Mar 31, 2016, 08:53 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by ShrioChocobo - Mar 31, 2016, 09:15 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by conqueror - May 1, 2016, 01:29 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by Dionysus - May 1, 2016, 03:13 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by devilmoth - May 1, 2016, 03:24 PM
RE: Favorite Grass Type - by TurtwigBoy - May 1, 2016, 04:04 PM

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