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[TRADE] LF People to trade with to get some legends in AS
I need someone to trade with so I can get Giratina, Landorus, and Kyurem for my dex. I need to have OR-exclusives in my party as well as the AS-exclusives, which I already have anyways, to get them to appear, so I need someone to help me. Also, I'm just starting to shiny hunt, so being able to SR for some legends would be awesome, which is why I don't really wanna just trade with someone to get these legends directly, and I like the thrill of trying to catch a legend by myself.

FC is to the side, and my IGN will be Sempai and my icon will be the OR/AS Guitarist.

In return, I can give you some AS-exclusives you need for these purposes, or even just for your dex. As I said, I have all three AS-exclusive legends that you'll need for Giratina/Landorus/Kyurem (Dialga, Thundurus, and Zekrom, respectively. I am not Dialga's OT, since I already traded my original Dialga for a Groudon to complete my Hoenn-dex, but I am the OT of Thundurus and Zekrom.). If you don't need any Pokémon, I could always attach a valuable/exchangeable/special/whatever item to a throwaway if you want. I also have an extra Power Bracer (I only need one, since I only train one Pokémon at once), if you want that.

Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to help me out!

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LF People to trade with to get some legends in AS - by Dull Deoxys - May 7, 2016, 04:48 PM

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