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[TRADE] Looking for Generation 2 Pokemon
Looking for Generation 2 Pokemon for Living Dex
Hello! I'm looking for certain Generation 2 Pokemon for my living dex. They don't need to be anything special, just the Pokemon themselves. In return, i'll breed and trade you anything from Generation 1. To save time, i'd rather trade you the egg version of the Pokemon you'd like me to breed for you, however if that's a problem, I don't mind hatching the egg also.

Here are the Pokemon i'm searching for: 
  • Sudowoodo
  • Jumpluff
  • Slowking
  • Shuckle
  • Scizor
  • Kingdra
  • Porygon 2 & Z
  • Blissey

Messages In This Thread
Looking for Generation 2 Pokemon - by ReddyRaptor - May 26, 2016, 07:04 PM
RE: Looking for Generation 2 Pokemon - by Lythania - May 26, 2016, 08:09 PM
RE: Looking for Generation 2 Pokemon - by Lythania - May 26, 2016, 08:20 PM

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