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[REQUEST] OR/AS Ditto from other region
Hi everyone.
I would like a Ditto from another region. (I am from the Netherlands)
I do not care about EV's, IV's or levels.
I am not a hardcore Pokémon Player, so I dont have any exclusive Pokémon I can trade you.
For the Alpha Sapphire players: I have a Latios with Latiosite and a Groudon with Red Orb I could trade you.
My Friend Code should be to the left. Thanks!  Smile

Edit: I could also trade you other legendaries exclusive to Omega Ruby, but I have recently completed the game for the 2nd time and I don't quite feel like catching them. But if you really want them, I might try and catch them.

Messages In This Thread
OR/AS Ditto from other region - by OGC_GR33N - Jul 8, 2016, 02:53 PM
RE: OR/AS Ditto from other region - by ChrissSixx - Jul 8, 2016, 03:21 PM
RE: OR/AS Ditto from other region - by OGC_GR33N - Jul 18, 2016, 09:02 AM

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