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[TRADE] FT Shiny Event Xerneas LF make an offer!
(Jul 16, 2016, 03:44 PM)mahetmed Wrote: TBH  unless ur Xerneas is BR perfect IV's and nature It'sh still worth 1 shiny not 2 even less 3.
OK... First please refrain from posting something like this on a thread. If you have a problem you can pm me. Second this was an event that not many people recieved so many are desperate for the pokemon. Finally shinies are half as rare in the last two gens as theory usedto be so Xerneas can be worth a shiny itself if someone wants it bad enough.

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RE: FT Shiny Event Xerneas LF make an offer! - by Kay2453 - Jul 16, 2016, 03:55 PM

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