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[TRADE] FT Shiny Event Xerneas LF make an offer!
(Jul 16, 2016, 03:52 PM)ChrissSixx Wrote: @Kay2453 I can trade 1 Shiny BR or 2 normal Shiny for Xerneas ^^

Shiny Furret [BR]
Shiny Flabébé
Shiny Cresselia [BR]
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Carbink [BR]
Shiny Mawile [BR]
Shiny Carvanha
Shiny Rhyhorn
Shiny Pichu
Shiny Remoraid
Shiny Ariados
Shiny Tyranitar
Shiny Slowbro
Shiny Duskull
Shiny Machamp
Shiny Glaceon
Shiny Sableye
Shiny Ferrothorn [BR]
I'll take shiny bulbasaur and shiny pichu! (Those are some well wanted pokemon so if you want others, you can give me another for one instead. I will put a zig for a zig I the GTS with your IGN in the message.

Messages In This Thread
RE: FT Shiny Event Xerneas LF make an offer! - by Kay2453 - Jul 16, 2016, 03:58 PM

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