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LF: Zangoose w/ Toxic Boost :)
Hey,I really need some HELP!
I Really want a Zangoose for my Competitive Team If you have a Zangoose with the ability Toxic Boost please trade with me

*If possible I want Quick Gaurd but I'm not Fussed and It ddoesn't have to be shiny*

I can give you:
-Garchomp Lvl 49 
-Medicham Lvl 49 w/ Recover
-Sableye Lvl 61

If Shiny:
-Accelgor Lvl  96 w/ Recover
-Shiny Staryu Lvl 30

Thanks :)

Messages In This Thread
LF: Zangoose w/ Toxic Boost :) - by ColeNinja - Jul 18, 2016, 01:49 AM
RE: LF: Zangoose w/ Toxic Boost :) - by LegenDFairy - Jul 18, 2016, 01:31 PM

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