Hi I have a few of the pokemons that you need (if you still need them) or breed them anyway. I can't guarantee they'll have 5/6IV though.
Excadrill with Mold Breaker
Sableye with prankster with recover
Talonflame with gale wings
Venusaur with Chlorophyll
Diggersby with Huge Power
I would like to have get (I don't care about the IV I just want to HA)
4IV+ Politoed with Drizzle and modest nature
5IV+ Garchomp with Rough skin and Adamant nature
5IV+ Salamence with Moxie and Jolly nature
Please let me know if you would like to trade
Excadrill with Mold Breaker
Sableye with prankster with recover
Talonflame with gale wings
Venusaur with Chlorophyll
Diggersby with Huge Power
I would like to have get (I don't care about the IV I just want to HA)
4IV+ Politoed with Drizzle and modest nature
5IV+ Garchomp with Rough skin and Adamant nature
5IV+ Salamence with Moxie and Jolly nature
Please let me know if you would like to trade