Sep 17, 2016, 06:20 AM
I have two friendcodes, my main 3DS which I play PKMN X on (1177-7177-2454), the FS on there is bug-type with ledyba, masquerain, and venomoth. My 2DS which I play AS on (1736-2865-9576), the FS on there is normal-type with minccino, teddiursa, and ditto. I'm not sure if swapping out PKMN X or AS changes the safaris, but those are the two on my devices.
If you want to trade FC I'd appreciate it, you don't have to mention what's in your safari but it'd be great if you did! Thanks to all who participate!! (ღ´⌣`ღ)
If you want to trade FC I'd appreciate it, you don't have to mention what's in your safari but it'd be great if you did! Thanks to all who participate!! (ღ´⌣`ღ)
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!