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[NEWS] Pokken Tournament Removed From Official Events!
First of all TPCi did a really bad job sponsoring the game and giving really low credit to any official National event since they only announced them in their official page without almost any Twitter or Facebook support. People that bought the game for casual playing didn't even know there were tournaments for this game. They announced a Pokken event at Dreamhack Sweden just 1 week before the event... how can anyone even organize in this short time?

The online is completely dead. No community feedback supports, just a few needed balance patches, you can still disconnect in any moment from an online game and your opponent doesn't get a default win - ragequits over and over. Not saying how bad lag is sometimes.. it's just incredibly harder to punish and getting some momentum because input lag can mess up your combo any time.

I've made it to Top16 during IT Nationals in June and since that moment i almost haven't touched the online. I've only played in local LAN events with small prizes along with a small italian community and the situation is the same as in the rest of Europe, with probably 30-40 players who are into competitive LAN events, which is not enough to get supported by TPCi.

However they have already introduced Darkrai and leaks say there are also Scizor and Empoleon coming soon in the Arcade game.. we'll see. Honestly i've enjoyed playing the game and i would still enjoy attending European LAN events since we all know each other at this point and we have had fun playing togheter.

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RE: Pokken Tournament Removed From Official Events! - by GiMYz - Sep 20, 2016, 10:15 PM

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