(Oct 1, 2016, 08:40 AM)MistressGlaceon Wrote: Cálmate, te puedo dar un Ninetales brillante ahora que es la capacidad oculto si quiere <3 no tiene que darme nada especial sin brillo requerido para este comercio
lo siento por mi mal español que tenía que traducir todo esto
No hace falta que contestes en español, está bien si lo haces en inglés.
You don't have to reply in Spanish, it's ok if you speak in English.
Thank you very much, I wasted a huge part of my life trying to catch him and I'm very new here so I decided using this as my last way to get it but it's incredible the amount of kindhearted people here.
I'm not going to be logged long so I'm going to put a Pokemon in the GTS because I don't think we are going to coincide.
It's a female non-shiny Ninetales at level 1.
My IGN is Dani-gamer and the message is "Hi Missy".
I will never be able to thank you all :D