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[SUN/MOON] Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions
Alright, so I decided to go a post talking about my first impressions with Pokemon Sun and Moon and what I have seen changed from previous games until now. a lot has changed this generation with both games but I will only point out the main things that have changed in Pokemon Sun and Moon.


In my opinion, the story has changed a lot in this gen games like in other Pokemon Games the story wasn't as interesting to me personally but in Pokemon Sun and Moon, the story is a lot more interesting and also gives you a look at what personality each character has in the game. all you need to know is that the story is just interesting and has a lot of twist and turns.


Another thing that I have seen changed in Pokemon Sun and Moon is there is A LOT of New Pokemon But Some of the Pokemon are version exclusive so for example like if you have Pokemon moon you can get Alohan Sandshrew and in Sun you can get Alohan Vulpix so it varies depending on the version you have. But I noticed that some Pokemon from previous gens are hard to find like for an example you have a 1% chance of finding a salamence in the game so that's 1 out of every 5 times you run in the grass you might find one. so some of the old gen Pokemon are very rare to find in sun and moon.
Here is a link to serebii it shows all the exclusive pokemon that are in each of the versions of the game.

The Online Battle System In Pokemon Sun and Moon is now called the festival plaza it's a lot more different from what we are all used to the PSS from past games but you are basically in this plaza and you can basically buy stuff with this currency in the plaza called FC the way you can get FC coins is by talking to guest in the plaza and you can use those coins to buy stuff in the different shops that have set up in the plaza. In my opinion if I could compare this with the PSS I would say i like the PSS more better because it was easier to navigate around in and it made it convenient when you wanted to battle your friends or just trade but with the Festival Plaza you have to stop in the middle of your game and go in and then battle or trade that's something I am not a fan of is having to stop in the middle of your game to actually battle and trade it's just difficult to navigate around as it almost took me 20 or 30 mins just to find out how you request a battle with your friends. but as far as the online battles go I actually like the online battles the quality and layout is better than last gens online battle layout was.


My overall thoughts on the game is that the game is amazing and just awesome all around the only downside is just the Online Battle System and the rare chances of finding some old gen Pokemon but that's about it.


What are your thoughts on Pokemon Sun and Moon So far???

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Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions - by princessgamer24 - Nov 22, 2016, 11:12 PM
RE: Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions - by Xafe - Nov 24, 2016, 05:10 PM

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