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[SUN/MOON] Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions
I agree with almost everythig you had to say. Especially the Friend Plaza thing.

All of the main NPCs are great, for once you actually feel like they have their ownn personalities outside of what Pokemon they carry. The professor is also by far my favorite character in any Pokemon game, ever since he was introduced as the Masked Roayl he was just became the best. He also says "Yeah" and "Oh yeah" all the time, making it impossible to read him without inserting Macho Man Randy Savage's voice.

New Pokemon;
Not too bad, it's still 50/50 IMO, half look greta the other half are just feel lazy or uninspiried. Honestly not that bad.

IMO this game had the best music.

Make me miss GYM battles. It does give Pokemon a fun RPG feel, but it's just not the same.

I hate the plaza. Well, the mini-games are fun and the whole FC thing is interesting, but considering that PSS was the last thing we had it's outright awful. PSS was so simple and clean, I miss how you could message people on your friends list by using the shout-outs too. It kind of feels like plying disconnected from other people now. Also if serebii is right, depending on your version you can't get certain facilities in the plaza. I have Moon and my friend has Sun. She mostly just catches Mons so she's upset that she can't get QuickBalls without getting it from someone else. While I only breed/EV train my Mons. I don't get the easy access to the EV decrease/increase shops.  Honestly the plaza is a lot of fun even though that.

It's an incredibly fun game with some irritating changes. Even then those irritating changes are still fun, so it's really not that bad. The jump to 3D is also amazing, probably still my favrotie 'Mon game so far is we don't count the originals with nostalgia glasses on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions - by wizzyjoe - Nov 23, 2016, 03:35 PM
RE: Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions - by Xafe - Nov 24, 2016, 05:10 PM

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