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Hi guys and gals, I've been breeding an Italian Ditto with a HA Pokemon looking for a result of a male pokemon with the HA ability. 1500 eggs in I've hatched 6 shinies of either wrong gender or correct gender with no HA. My questions are:

1) What is the chance of passing down HA when the female has it, and the father is a foreign ditto? I've heard 60% but also 80%?

2) I've gotten 2 shinies in one batch of eggs, is it better to collect a lot of eggs then hatch all at once? It seems to me that the RNG for the 2 consecutives shiny was close enough that both resulted in shinies, I've seen an extreme result where a youtuber hatches 400 eggs and got 5 shiny charmander. Or is it just ok to collect 5 then hatch?

Messages In This Thread
SHINY BREEDING QUESTION - by alwayswannafly - Nov 25, 2016, 11:15 PM
RE: SHINY BREEDING QUESTION - by Jirachi - Nov 26, 2016, 12:17 AM
RE: SHINY BREEDING QUESTION - by OT_Hisoka - Nov 26, 2016, 08:01 AM

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