Dec 31, 2014, 09:54 PM
(Dec 31, 2014, 09:40 PM)nhass12 Wrote: Can someone please pokegen me a Skarm with defog, I usally breed all my pokemon but since there is no way to get defog on a skarmory legit I am asking somenoe to help me.
Nature - Impish
EV - 252 def
252 hp
4 spdef
IV - HP - 31
ATK - 31
DEF - 31
SPDEF - 31
SPD - 31
Moves - Brave Bird
This is a pokesave thread, not a Pokegen thread. If you want someone to create you a pokemon, you'd have better luck making a separate thread about it to request assistance. (Even so, keep in mind that Pokegen isnt really something seen often on this section of the forums, but good luck nonetheless!)