Jun 19, 2017, 08:18 PM
(Jun 19, 2017, 02:20 PM)KasuganoAichi Wrote:(Jun 18, 2017, 07:47 PM)lukelukeluke Wrote:I can catch one in a pokeball and then breed it, I will message you when I'm done. If you still have a Wishiwashi, I want one.(Jun 18, 2017, 07:19 PM)KasuganoAichi Wrote:(Jun 16, 2017, 10:29 PM)lukelukeluke Wrote: looking for shinies and breedjects, willing to give a couple of these for 1 shiny.
I have these that are up for trade:
21 5IV Careful Mareanie (Regenerator) [Haze, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up]
12 5IV Bold Sandygast (Water Compaction) [Destiny Bond, Amnesia, Stockpile]
3 5IV Adamant Alolan Geodude (Galvanize) [Wide Guard, Rock Climb, Curse, Magnet Rise]
4 5IV Timid Alolan Vulpix (Snow Warning) [Extrasensory, Moonblast, Freeze-Dry, Hypnosis]
2 5IV Adamant Bagon (Rock Head) [Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance]
6 5IV Adamant Bounsweet (Oblivious) [Synthesis, Play Rough]
5 5IV Modest Popplio (Torrent)
8 5IV Adamant Alolan Sandshrew [Slush Rush]
4 5IV Adamant Cubone (Lightning Rod)
5 5IV Brave Wishiwashi (Schooling)
2 5IV Adamant Mimikyu
2 5IV Alolan Grimer (Poison Touch) [Shadow Sneak]
The following few are probably 3 - 5IVs:
3 Bold Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)
3 Modest Squirtle (Rain Dish) [Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse]
3 Timid Abra (Magic Guard)
3 Bold Slowpoke (Regenerator)
3 Adamant Pinsir (Hyper Cutter)
3 Impish Chespin (Bulletproof)
3 Timid Froakie (Protean)
3 Jolly Fletchling (Gale Wings)
3 Calm Skrelp (Adaptability)
also have Ultra Beasts and Legendaries to spare:
11 Pheromosa
3 Guzzlord
5 Celesteela
7 Xurkitree
2 Buzzwole
3 Kartana
3 Lunala
3 Necrozma
1 Tapu Koko
1 Tapu Bulu
1 Tapu Fini
1 Tapu Lele
2 Magearna
Right now these are the ones I can breed/get to you:
Stufful (Love Ball/ 4IV's/ Jolly / Fluffy or Klutz EM: Endure)
Riolu (Friend or Beast or Dusk Ball/5~6IV's/Adamant or Modest/ Inner Focus or Steadfast /EM: Blaze Kick, Crunch and Bullet Punch)
Mimikyu (Love Ball/ 5~6IV's/Adamant/ Disguise / EM: Curse, Destiny Bond, Grudge and Nightmare)
Eevee (Love or Fast Ball/5~6IV's/Modest/Anticipation)
Stufful aside, I need to breed the others, that wouldn't take long tough. After I'm done with the Stufful I will start to work on Shinx, not sure what I will be picking for that one yet, tough if want a Beast Ball, just tell. All pokemons are legal an breeded in-game.
an Adamant Steadfast Riolu with the EM would be great! and preferably in a poke ball, but otherwise its alrightwhat would you like?
alright, and yes I still have the wishiwashi but its a quiet nature with 5IVs if thats alright with you?