Jul 13, 2017, 07:31 AM
LF: someone who feeds my Tapu Bulu with the rare buffet i will give 3 of the following mons. Dive Ball Shellos, Love Ball Goomy, Dream Ball Porygon, level ball torkal, Dream Ball Starly, Heavy Ball Roggenrola, Moon ball cubone, level ball shinx, dream ball cranidos, dream ball larvitar, friend ball trapinch, Moon ball Houndour, dive ball dewpider, safari ball shroomish, Eevee in almost any ball, heavy ball gible, moon ball grimmer (A), DB Turtwig, Lure Ball magikarp, Love Ball Chansey, friend ball exeggcute, DB piplup, loveball fomantis, DB gligar. also looking for two rare candies (i will trade one for one)