Aug 14, 2017, 07:32 AM
@"Anabel" Thanks for the tag lol :D
I mostly watch live streams or recaps from tournaments on YouTube when it comes to Pokemon. However I sometimes watch CybertronProductions or WolfeyVGC if i'm looking for educational content, but they don't upload that often. I used to watch aDrive before but he is little to linear and "scripted" in my opinion, eg. "OMG a shiny (insert name), baby lets go!" etc. If i want a slight giggle and some nostalgia then Alex Ogloza's Pokemon FEET has to be it I guess.
I mostly watch live streams or recaps from tournaments on YouTube when it comes to Pokemon. However I sometimes watch CybertronProductions or WolfeyVGC if i'm looking for educational content, but they don't upload that often. I used to watch aDrive before but he is little to linear and "scripted" in my opinion, eg. "OMG a shiny (insert name), baby lets go!" etc. If i want a slight giggle and some nostalgia then Alex Ogloza's Pokemon FEET has to be it I guess.
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda