Jul 18, 2018, 05:12 PM
No added stipulations here; Adamant/Jolly are preferred but not necessary. As long as it has Reckless I'll take what I can get. Staraptor is an old favorite of mine from back in Gen 4 and I wouldn't mind putting that to use.
Anything you want for one, I'm game; just name it. As long as it's nothing ludicrous you usually find people asking for in the average GTS glancing session (the amont of people who want Landorus for their early-game Pokes is just criminal... seriously). While I did score a more or less free Registeel that way, I'm getting rather sick of those.
My set name on my 2DS is Lux, same as in-game.
Anything you want for one, I'm game; just name it. As long as it's nothing ludicrous you usually find people asking for in the average GTS glancing session (the amont of people who want Landorus for their early-game Pokes is just criminal... seriously). While I did score a more or less free Registeel that way, I'm getting rather sick of those.
My set name on my 2DS is Lux, same as in-game.