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How to flirt with a guy online dating
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Article about how to flirt with a guy online dating:
It has made a lot of things easy, and one of them is &#039,Flirting&#039,! How To Flirt With A Guy Over Text (2020’s Examples Included) The beginning of the new world with the Internet and Social Media has definitely changed lives. It has made a lot of things easy, and one of them is ‘Flirting’ !

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Flirting with a guy over Social Media is a great way to come closer to him and spark the fire of chemistry especially when he is far away. Even if you meet him daily, flirting with him over text will make him think he is more special to you than he thought. And, let’s be frank… Flirting with cute emojis makes things so exciting! Flirting over texts can make you anxious . You have no knowledge of how your texts will be received… if he is enjoying your flirting or not… if you are doing it right and not making things awkward! You can’t know what’s going on in his mind because his facial expressions are not visible! But let it not stop you from taking the first step, as I am going to introduce you to several tips and tricks that can make you a pro and make your flirting as smooth as his lips! ? (I think I’ve already started!) Flirt with a guy using these tested simple steps [with 15+ text examples] 1. Start the conversation by giving ‘ Implicit’ hints. Starting a conversation that involves flirting with a guy who is your *crush* is hard as it requires a lot to control your senses and so many other things. A great way to start flirting will be to send the guy a text that involves implicit hints. It can be: “I think I’ve seen you before this! Can’t recall exactly when and where, but can’t take you out of my mind since then…” “Your profile picture looks great! Is that the same shirt you wore today at work?” Such texts can make him know your interest in him. If he is attracted towards you too, he will use this opportunity and arrive with a comeback. 2. Try to be Yourself. People often forget that they can show themselves as highly intelligent, bold, and fun people over texting. But if in the real world, it’s not you… you will invite great trouble at your doorstep. So, refrain from making up a totally different recreation of yourself and be as you are. Talk as you do in real life . Ofcourse, you want to impress him, and for that, you have to show your best self. Just show your best self… Don’t copy that uber-cool girl you know just to win him over. That will be a great turn-off! Long story short, do not over-act . Do not use those hilariously extra emojis of laughing if in real life you tend to be serious and laugh a lot less! ” I saw you today and your smile…. Is everyone smitten by it or is it just me?” “You are so Intelligent! That makes you much more charming!” 3. Talk about interesting topics. Boring him on texts will be a huge turn-off. Drop the cliché typical ways of flirting… He has heard it more than a hundred times! Experiment ! Think of interesting topics to talk about! Do not start the conversation with “How are you doing?” Instead, ask – “How many people you killed today with your gorgeous smile?” “Is your cute face happy or sad?” You may sound kinda cheesy. But don’t go overboard with it. Talk about the fields he is interested in. It can be sports, gaming, or science. Share the things that excite you ! Make him go on a roller-coaster ride as you text him! The most interesting the conversation, the more interested he will be in you! Note : Stay away from gossip and bitching. Boys/Men do not find it interesting. It will bore him and he will lose interest in continuing the conversation. Instead of talking about the things you hate/dislike, talk about the things you love! It will instantly make you sound more interesting. 4. What is flirting without compliments? It’s no secret, Flirting and complimenting go hand in hand . What’s a better way to let someone know about your attraction other than complimenting? Everyone loves compliments . If your compliments are genuinely wrapped in a bold cover of flirting, he is going to love it. It can also be naughty ! ? Text him compliments on his chiseled face, strong body, blonde/brunette hair, or his dressing sense. Compliments on his mind and favorite gadgets will also be appreciated! “I wonder if there is a competition of cuteness, who will win it? Your dog or you?” ? “I don’t think I’m gonna watch another movie with you. Your eyes don’t allow mine to move anywhere else.” 4. Love his name as much as he does. Scientists have proved that the most loved and favorite word of person is his/her “name”. He loves his name more than anyone else’s. It also makes a person more alert and interested when their name is called. They find themselves inclined to give more attention to the person calling their name . Use this to your advantage! “You make me feel so special… Tom.” “Nick, I need to tell you something.” It also gives some personal touch to a conversation! 5. Choose the time in your favor. Pay special attention to the timing. What’s the time when your thoughts wander freely? When emotions seem to overpower you? When it’s all cozy and intimate? Of course, it’s the NIGHT ! Text him at night . Make sure you are not texting him very close to his bedtime otherwise he may sweep to sleep and the conversation will remain incomplete. Know the time when he goes to sleep and text an hour before it. He will be more free in expressing his emotions and will also flirt by opening his guards. If your texts are interesting enough, he will drop the regular time he goes to sleep and stay awake longer to continue the flirting game! “Lying half-awake on the bed in my cozy pajamas… What are you doing?” “I don’t know why but when I talk to you, my reality feels more beautiful than my dreams.” 6. If he laughs with you, he falls for you. Females are impressed by good humor, men are impressed by it too! If you make him laugh, he is definitely gonna remember you for long… Do your flirtatious texts sound funny too and are able to impress him and make him laugh as well?? Viola! Most of your work is done! But do not try to stress your mind by trying too hard to sound funny . You are not a stand-up comedian. Just be yourself and take it easy! “Gosh I feel tired even after sleeping for 8 hours… Give me some rest. Please stop chasing me in your dreams!” 7. Nothing makes flirting as sensual as Emojis! A lot of emojis are present on your phone and you’ve gotta use them! It makes a conversation much easier and with the right use of the emojis, it gives the other person a better perception of what you are feeling. Instead of typing ‘LOL’ type a few ?? emoticons . There are multiple options to choose from flowers to sunrise and love!

How to flirt with a guy online dating

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How to flirt with a guy online dating - by chelsybernard927 - 5 hours ago

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