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[Hot] All the single ladies unmarried women 2025
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All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation PDF Book by Rebecca Traister Read Online Free. Read Online or free download All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation () pdf book by Rebecca Traister. Text From All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation PDF.

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Men earn, on average, a dollar to women’s 78 cents. That gap is far wider for women of color, it has remained mostly unchanged for more than a decade. The history of gendered and racial discrimination is not past, it has accrued, and often meant that money has not accrued, to women and especially to women of color. As Kimberlé Crenshaw reported1 in 2014, the median wealth, defined as the total value of one’s assets minus one’s debts, of single black women is $100, for single Latina women it is $120, those figures are compared to $41,500 for single white women. And for married white couples? A startling $167,500.2. Women made up only 4.8 percent of Fortune’s top CEOs in 2014.3 Only twenty of the nation’s thousand largest companies were run by female CEOs in 2012 (that’s four percent) and, as Forbes reported, that number is a record, eleven of those CEOs were hired between 2011 and 2012.4 Journalism professor Caryl Rivers wrote in 2010, “Nearly all American billionaires are male, or widows of males, with the exception of Oprah Winfrey.”5. The study6 showing that single childless urban women under thirty make eight percent more than men in their same age bracket is astonishing. But as Stephanie Coontz points out, the appearance of single urban female success can sometimes reflect the fact that (often predominantly white) educated women tend to cluster in the very same cities that are home to large populations of low-earning (often nonwhite) men without college educations. As discussed, some of the very services that make privileged, educated, single female life attractive and possible in cities—the restaurants and takeout and laundry and home maintenance that allow women who are not wives to live as if they had wives—are often provided, at criminally low wages, by poorer, often immigrant, women and men. If studies were done comparing women only to men with similar educational backgrounds, Coontz writes, “[M]ales out-earn females in every category.” She also points to a 2010 survey showing that “female M.B.A.s were paid an average of $4,600 less than men in starting salaries and continue to be outpaced by men in rank and salary growth throughout their careers, even if they remain childless.”7. That women are entering universities and the workforce in large numbers does not mean that they are earning or achieving throughout their lives at the same pace as the men who enter those universities and workplaces alongside them. Structural impediments, from the lack of paid family leave and pay gaps, to lingering and systemically reinforced negative attitudes about female leadership, combine to mean that, at some point, women fall behind men when it comes to earning, promotions, status, and reputation. These inequities can be obscured by the lavish coverage of increasingly abundant educational opportunities and the messages we send to young women about their potential achievement.

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[Hot] All the single ladies unmarried women 2025 - by sjosh9343 - 6 hours ago

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