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single guys looking for love
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Article about single guys looking for love:
Hundreds of photos and profiles of men seeking romance, love and marriage from Alaska. Alaska Men. The fact of the matter is that a recent research revealed an alarmingly less proportion of women to men in Alaska.


Most of the men in Alaska had native Alaskan ancestors, who were thoroughly trained and equipped with the art of hunting and sledging. Thus, you can expect Alaskan men to be tough, independent and trained in the natural ways of living. Even though the majority of people have now moved towards urban areas and are well educated, their ancestral values stand sound and firm. Alaskan men, perhaps fit the imaginary description of a macho, independent and strong man-one who is capable of weathering just about any storm. Since the ancestral lines are quite native and the majority of men are descended from Eskimos, the men there have rugged, sharp and Asian looks. Most of the women who are married to Alaskan men are quite happy and content - since Alaskan men are anything but irresponsible. About Alaska. Located on the border of Canada on one side, and the Arctic Ocean to the north- the state of Alaska is the largest of all the states in America, in terms of area. However, population wise, not many people live in this state. It shares a tasteful and elaborate history - with rumors of dinosaurs once inhibiting this land. The Alaskan culture is rich in the Native arts- carving and drawing is the most famous of all the arts. It is also known for its valuable handicrafts, which are bought as memorabilia by various tourists.

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Single guys looking for love

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single guys looking for love - by sjosh9343 - Yesterday, 05:50 AM

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