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what is girls date
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Article about what is girls date:
Listen and learn. General Listening Quiz. Imagine that your 16-year-old daughter is about to leave on her first date.


What questions do you ask her before she leaves? Are you concerned at all? Why or why not? Idioms. “ hit it off ” = get along well “ My daughter and her boyfriend hit it off well from the first date .” “ call it quits ” = end a relationship “ Hey. I’m your father, and I don’t like that boy. You need to call it quits, or else! “ Listening Exercise. A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. Vocabulary Practice. Do the vocabulary quizzes with the words from the conversation for more practice: Post-Listening Exercise. What can children and parents do to make each other feel more comfortable when they talk about dating? How can parents improve relationships with their children?Where do people go on dates in your country? Does the boy pick up the girl from her house or do they meet somewhere? What is your image of the “ideal” date? Online Investigation. Use the Internet to find out about the dating customs in three different countries.

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what is girls date - by johnsi25 - Yesterday, 10:03 AM

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