Jan 11, 2015, 12:47 PM
(Jan 11, 2015, 12:00 PM)ZachDale21 Wrote: I have a decent amount of shinies, most of them were bred or encountered by myself so most of them aren't cloned or genned. I'll put a * by the ones that are most likely cloned that I got from a trade in case that makes a difference on if you want it or not.
I will also put a # by the name if they were bred or encountered by me.
If they are also competitive I will put their stats in the name. If they are just wild/FS encounters I won't bother unless you ask specifically.
Shiny Legendaries (All are most likely cloned, but i'll put * by them anyway):
Non-Legendary Shinies:
*6IV Modest Gooey Goodra (Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Muddy Water, Dragon Pulse)
*6IV Modest Volt Absorb Jolteon (Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Yawn, Hidden Power Dragon)
*6IV Hardy Stall Sableye (Dazzling Gleam, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Calm Mind)
*6IV Lonely Water Absorb Lapras (Ice Beam, Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump)
#3IV Adamant Guts Machamp (T-Punch, I-Punch, F-Punch, Close Combat)
#5IV Bold Levitate Weezing (Clear Smog, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb)
#5IV Mild Mummy Cofagrigus (Hex, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Power Split)
5IV Timid Overgrow Sceptile (Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Dragon Breath, Giga Drain)
5IV Adamant Technician Scizor (Pursuit, Roost, Bullet Punch, U-Turn)
3IV Modest Chlorophyll Venasaur (Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Hidden Power Ice, Earthquake)
5IV Timid Dought Ninetales (Disable, Hypnosis, Flamethrower, Hidden Power-not sure which one)
Metagross (The one they give you in ORAS)
Any offers are welcome, but mainly looking for other shinies!
would you trade my shiny BR HA excadrill for ur sceptile ?