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Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15)
Let me try this out.
Mega Blissey
Type: Normal
Ability: Regenerator (restore 1/3 of HP upon switching out)

HP 255 -> 255
Attack 10 -> 10
Defense 10 -> 110 (+100)
Sp. Atk 75 -> 105 (+30)
Sp. Def 135 -> 105 (-30)
Speed 55
Overall 540 -> 640

Why it breaks the Metagame: This becomes a godly tank with a usable Special attack. Increasing the defense makes its only weakness unable to do as much to it, even an adamant fully invested Mega Lucario cannot one-shot it with a close combat when it has 252 in HP or Defense. Give it safe guard or refresh to protect against that toxic damage. With the usable Sp. attack, you do not have to worry as much about getting taunted. It can keep the classic toxic stall routine while packing a punch as well. Its movepool has type coverage with great moves in Fire, Fairy, Ice, Electric, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, and Normal! If you get screens set up on the field (by a team member), only crits can touch you! You can use a defense curl + calm mind too. Fighting types are still a threat, but if this is sent in when the opponent doesnt have Pokemon with fighting stab, it can destroy.

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RE: Break The Metagame! Episode 1 (Ends 2/17/15) - by EpicLolz53 - Feb 14, 2015, 09:20 PM

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